Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in positive thinking
Take care of you

Up until now, I have decided to stay out of the covid 19 debate and information – as first of all, there is so much out there already, I don’t have much of anything to add to the bottom line and besides – my focus is all about health.

However, I can share with you, what is on my mind and wanted to offer you a few key ideas of my own.

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Health, Wealth & the Full Moon….

We are off to a roaring start so far this year – some days you might be struggling to keep up with all the crap flying around the place. And perhaps that’s just the point, don’t even bother to try to keep up with shit storm that the media wants us to focus on.

Find something positive in your life and cling on to it as if your life depends on it. Because, well it does!

Your inner world needs to be nourished by wholesome goodness, nature and fresh thoughts on a daily basis – sometimes just one kind or gentle thing is all it takes to shift your mind into a better and higher place.

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 Stepping into the Light

More than that, your life and awareness can just keep growing from here, it’s up to you now – how you expand and when. If you stay true to your roots, those early days when you thought you were a woman walking alone will be remembered with a compassion from the person you have become.

Do not back down, do not sell out, do not sit down, do not be quiet.

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Mindfulness on a Monday

One thing I have on my mind a lot these days is my ‘mind’ and all it has been filling up with over these past few months especially. I mean, it’s hard to not be influenced or affected by all the trauma or drama around us, unless you live on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere…..

Oh wait, that’s where I live. Nevermind.

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Creating the Life You Were Born to Live

How many of us have read, and pondered over these new-age books that inform us our thinking, our thoughts and the stuff that goes around and around in our minds is what makes up our reality? 
Of course it does. We attract to us what we are focused on.
So, we spend countless minutes, hours and days attempting to shift our thinking onto higher ground. Making every effort to get our thoughts from the dark and negative into the light and positive. 

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What's Another Word For Positive?

Everything you do, makes a difference the key word here is DO. 

This little sentence is what I repeat to myself often as I go about my daily tasks – I wanted to focus my mind on being and feeling positive as I set up my market stall, make my ointments or even do the chores around the house. 

And I do subscribe to the thinking – that if you say it often enough, you start to believe it.

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Focus on Life

Isn’t it funny how often we think to ourselves, this is our life, yet, it’s not the one we’ve wanted, dreamed of or envisioned for ourselves. But, here we are spending day in and day out – doing things we don’t always like ‘doing’ or ‘being’ in places when we wish we were doing something or being someplace else. 
And then there’s the biggest one – being around people who either do not appreciate us, understand us, like us or who are down right harmful to us - (read toxic to be around). If you are anything like me, you end up soaking up all those negative vibes (absorb!) – taking on board nearly everything, in an effort to make people happy and feel better. 
And such is life. Or is it? 

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