Thought Leader in Health Potential



 Stepping into the Light


So, you’ve expanded body, mind & soul to include this new level of higher consciousness, you then run your life/family/business from this place. If you really pay attention to all that is taking place around you, you will discover there are messages left just for you, absolutely everywhere.

This is the path, your trail is lit up, and you can move forward with ease.


More than that, your life and awareness can just keep growing from here, it’s up to you now – how you expand and when. If you stay true to your roots, those early days when you thought you were a woman walking alone will be remembered with a compassion from the person you have become.

Do not back down, do not sell out, do not sit down, do not be quiet.

Stand up for what you believe in, even if you feel you stand alone, the earth is supporting you, the Universe has your back, the moon empowers you and the forces of nature are within you.

You are here with a purpose that is part of an ancient story, written in your DNA – one where a woman awakens and remembers her power.

And what a story you will tell, how you took a thought, expanded it into a dream, held it together with talent and purpose and now look at what’s become of me…..

I am she who creates - a divinely feminine life

Winter Solstice -

A Gathering Of Women

Come and join April Danann and celebrate among like minded women at what promises to be a beautiful Ceremony in Nature, up in the Caheragh hills of West Cork, just outside Skibbereen.  You'll get to share in one of April's legendary feasts and engage in a Winter Solstice Workshop on the shortest day as this year comes to a close.