Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in focus
Priorities……Don’t Stop Now

One of the most important things that I have learned along the way is how much I can lose myself in the everyday mundane things. I refer to this as important because I am the only one who can recognize my own habits or lack of them and then pull myself back from the brink of falling into having days and days of not doing the things that matter most.

So….let me get right to the point here. What are the things that matter most?

They could be anything – when you run a business they are often the things you like to do the least. Or perhaps the tedious items on your list that take up a little extra time or take that much more effort to prepare.

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April Danann - Art of the Pitch Podcast is Live!

You'll know if you've been following what we're up to recently that April has entered Richard Branson's VOOM pitching competition, which could lead to funding and prize money for her latest book, I Am She Who Creates.

I Am She Who Creates consciously take a female perspective, as the way a woman navigates her goals, needs and challenges can be quite different to the male experience. This book could change all women's lives for the better, bringing fulfilment and prosperity. It just needs to get out there.

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Magic, Unicorns & Rainbows....

This may seem like a strange time to be on the planet, and it certainly is challenging us to carefully think about who we are, what we want from our lives and then of course, what we are willing to do to make that happen.

All of this effort is necessary for following a dream and creating a life that matters. Things will often get messy before they get better.

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Independently Healthy! 

When we spend too much time working and not enough time resting or taking exercise – we find ourselves acidic and run down.

Use your herbs to help remind your body how to function optimally while you address areas of your life that need attention as well as create a life balance and deal with stress.

Herbs for me are all about inviting nature into my life and maintaining that connection to the natural world, all the while deepening my inner journey. These herbs show me the way, they take me further into myself on a daily basis and then keep me there.

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Mindfulness on a Monday

One thing I have on my mind a lot these days is my ‘mind’ and all it has been filling up with over these past few months especially. I mean, it’s hard to not be influenced or affected by all the trauma or drama around us, unless you live on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere…..

Oh wait, that’s where I live. Nevermind.

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Focus on Life

Isn’t it funny how often we think to ourselves, this is our life, yet, it’s not the one we’ve wanted, dreamed of or envisioned for ourselves. But, here we are spending day in and day out – doing things we don’t always like ‘doing’ or ‘being’ in places when we wish we were doing something or being someplace else. 
And then there’s the biggest one – being around people who either do not appreciate us, understand us, like us or who are down right harmful to us - (read toxic to be around). If you are anything like me, you end up soaking up all those negative vibes (absorb!) – taking on board nearly everything, in an effort to make people happy and feel better. 
And such is life. Or is it? 

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Motivation for the Day Ahead

I've been hearing a lot about motivation these past few weeks....and indeed this summer in West Cork has been tough! It's rained nearly non-stop, been a few degrees colder than usual and we've all been feeling vitamin D deficient - a bit more than we normally are (LOL!).
Each morning I wake up and wonder about the day ahead.....what I've realised lately is that I am looking for the 'motivation' to get up, get moving and get going. Of course, having a plan helps, so does having a routine, a schedule as well as something to look forward to each day (a little sunshine doesn't hurt either)

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