Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in healthy eating
Earth Medicine, the Language of Life

It takes time to get well, be well and stay well – use your time wisely and it takes very little focus to really be in the best shape – mentally, physically and spiritually of your entire life.

Yes, even during a pandemic or plandemic or whatever stage of official narrative we are currently experiencing.

Especially now and perhaps because of this ramping up of fast-moving change we are all undergoing a particular type of trauma.

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Re-Wilding By Nature

There is so much I want to say here! I hardly know where to begin….so let me start by saying, this is perhaps one of the most important things you will ever read or hear or do or think about.

Your body heals best with herbs. Your mind, body, spirit will only align with nature in the lead and you can only rise in consciousness as part of an awakened, human being on a journey inwards.

You are on your way home.

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April Danann Guests on Vidal Speaks Podcast with Deborah Vidal

Listen to April Danann talk about her life as a Medical Intuitive on the podcast Vidal Speaks Episode 92, hosted by Deborah Vidal and also available on iTunes.  Vidal Speaks is a weekly podcast that discusses using natural methods that deal with the whole body  to heal on the deepest level.  It's a riveting conversation and you're guarenteed to learn a lot more about April, her background and how the different strands of her life and business all stem from the same experiences and beliefs.  

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Nature Cure

We are now deep into the season to gather and forage your flowers, leaves and greens! The Elderflowers are in bloom, it’s not too late for some wild garlic pesto and even a few nettles for your soup can still be had.

If you are like me, you may find yourself craving these foods for the well being of your mind and body. I have come to believe we require a wild element to our diets, just as much as protein or water.

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Gut Health, Parasites & Nutrition


We all have them, and for the most part we don’t talk about them. However there are an important aspect of our microbiome and we should be aware of what they are doing in our digestive tract and gut tissues.

For the most part, a parasite often found in small numbers, is kept in check by our immune system and the surrounding gut flora. They get enough to eat and they usually don’t seem to bother us too much. 

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Healthy Eating Patterns

So, here we are in the post New Year haze of too much eating and drinking considering the coming year ahead of us, personally I like to think of these feast times as necessary – our gut bacteria must have a ball!
Thankfully there are seasons to eat, drink and make merry, and there are spaces in between to eat normally just as there are times it is best to fast and let our digestive systems empty out, rest and repair.

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100 Days - What is Life?

What is life exactly?

I’ve come to realize that LIFE is not only what is taking place outside of us, around us, with us and to us – it should be equally (perhaps more so?) inside of us. And for me, for a very long time, if ever at all – there was little life to be lived on the inside.

My gut had ‘dead-spots’, it was leaky, and generally non functioning in the appropriate ways to sustain life. By that I mean – there were not enough beneficial organisms helping me digest food, extract nutrients and make vitamins.

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100 Days ......Juicing, Fasting and Bone Broth 

We are back on our schedule of not really fasting....but not really eating either!! Let me explain.....

These past few weeks I have done 30 days on juices and smoothies - with at least 50% vegetables in each one and the rest some kind of fruit.

I am really finding great benefits from the cabbage - one of the most underrated healing foods of all time and indeed my best 'superfood' discovery to date. It has completely changed the way my gut works and helped build up those beneficial organisms in a massive way.

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