Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in self care
Earth Medicine, the Language of Life

It takes time to get well, be well and stay well – use your time wisely and it takes very little focus to really be in the best shape – mentally, physically and spiritually of your entire life.

Yes, even during a pandemic or plandemic or whatever stage of official narrative we are currently experiencing.

Especially now and perhaps because of this ramping up of fast-moving change we are all undergoing a particular type of trauma.

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Take care of you

Up until now, I have decided to stay out of the covid 19 debate and information – as first of all, there is so much out there already, I don’t have much of anything to add to the bottom line and besides – my focus is all about health.

However, I can share with you, what is on my mind and wanted to offer you a few key ideas of my own.

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How do I use my Intuition? 

I cannot begin to tell you how much I rely on my intuition in every area of my life. Its usefulness has never let me down and guides my every thought, wondering and move. It enables me to explore options, discover new ways of being and heal my body with precision.

This compass that plots the course of my destiny comes from within.

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April Danann - Art of the Pitch Podcast is Live!

You'll know if you've been following what we're up to recently that April has entered Richard Branson's VOOM pitching competition, which could lead to funding and prize money for her latest book, I Am She Who Creates.

I Am She Who Creates consciously take a female perspective, as the way a woman navigates her goals, needs and challenges can be quite different to the male experience. This book could change all women's lives for the better, bringing fulfilment and prosperity. It just needs to get out there.

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Magic, Unicorns & Rainbows....

This may seem like a strange time to be on the planet, and it certainly is challenging us to carefully think about who we are, what we want from our lives and then of course, what we are willing to do to make that happen.

All of this effort is necessary for following a dream and creating a life that matters. Things will often get messy before they get better.

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Health, Wealth & the Full Moon….

We are off to a roaring start so far this year – some days you might be struggling to keep up with all the crap flying around the place. And perhaps that’s just the point, don’t even bother to try to keep up with shit storm that the media wants us to focus on.

Find something positive in your life and cling on to it as if your life depends on it. Because, well it does!

Your inner world needs to be nourished by wholesome goodness, nature and fresh thoughts on a daily basis – sometimes just one kind or gentle thing is all it takes to shift your mind into a better and higher place.

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April Danann Guests on Vidal Speaks Podcast with Deborah Vidal

Listen to April Danann talk about her life as a Medical Intuitive on the podcast Vidal Speaks Episode 92, hosted by Deborah Vidal and also available on iTunes.  Vidal Speaks is a weekly podcast that discusses using natural methods that deal with the whole body  to heal on the deepest level.  It's a riveting conversation and you're guarenteed to learn a lot more about April, her background and how the different strands of her life and business all stem from the same experiences and beliefs.  

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