Thought Leader in Health Potential



How do I use my Intuition? 


I cannot begin to tell you how much I rely on my intuition in every area of my life. Its usefulness has never let me down and guides my every thought, wondering and move. It enables me to explore options, discover new ways of being and heal my body with precision.

This compass that plots the course of my destiny comes from within.


We need our intuition more than ever as we set off to wander through uncharted areas of life and especially as we create today, the world we live in tomorrow. This intuition is our inner knowing that takes us through each step safely, clearly and allows us to leap with that faith that only resonates with self-knowledge.

The more you heal, uplift and work with your body in any healthy positive way, the more your intuition will also speak to you. All that is required is that you learn to listen.

What sorts of things is my intuition good for?

  • When to begin my project
  • What situations are good for me
  • Protect myself and my children
  • What to eat, what to take, when to take it
  • My next move or not!

We all have a voice that whispers within us, like wind moving through the trees. It is our last wild connection to our true nature, functioning like a tether to the earth – intuition is a door to the healing of your body, empathy, psychic wisdom and to your higher spiritual path.

10th August in West Cork just before the last Solar eclipse and the new moon, your door is waiting…..


Book your place at Intuition for Health, Business & Life all day workshop on Friday 10th August in West Cork.