Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in mind work
Take care of you

Up until now, I have decided to stay out of the covid 19 debate and information – as first of all, there is so much out there already, I don’t have much of anything to add to the bottom line and besides – my focus is all about health.

However, I can share with you, what is on my mind and wanted to offer you a few key ideas of my own.

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Early Impressions

Today we are in the midst of another ‘newsageddon’ this time it is about a virus that we are supposed to fear. Last week was climate change theatrics and before that election fever – again, get your fear on and be very, very scared.

Of anything and everything.

Truth is, if we had to actually live our lives so afraid of so much – we would not get much done, sit around a lot of the time scanning stories on social media, eat poorly, drink too much, feel low about things and gradually become more and more stuck in our lives.

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How do I use my Intuition? 

I cannot begin to tell you how much I rely on my intuition in every area of my life. Its usefulness has never let me down and guides my every thought, wondering and move. It enables me to explore options, discover new ways of being and heal my body with precision.

This compass that plots the course of my destiny comes from within.

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Priorities……Don’t Stop Now

One of the most important things that I have learned along the way is how much I can lose myself in the everyday mundane things. I refer to this as important because I am the only one who can recognize my own habits or lack of them and then pull myself back from the brink of falling into having days and days of not doing the things that matter most.

So….let me get right to the point here. What are the things that matter most?

They could be anything – when you run a business they are often the things you like to do the least. Or perhaps the tedious items on your list that take up a little extra time or take that much more effort to prepare.

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Magic, Unicorns & Rainbows....

This may seem like a strange time to be on the planet, and it certainly is challenging us to carefully think about who we are, what we want from our lives and then of course, what we are willing to do to make that happen.

All of this effort is necessary for following a dream and creating a life that matters. Things will often get messy before they get better.

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Happy New Year & Happy Full Moon

The final phase of what has been 365 days of digging out and letting go…or perhaps most of this releasing is now behind us, and we are ready to harness the magical energy of this coming full moon.

One thing I’ve found over the years is how much we need to be in a certain space, of a certain mind and perhaps even in a special location in order to feel the ‘charge’ in energy from each of these super moons.

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 Stepping into the Light

More than that, your life and awareness can just keep growing from here, it’s up to you now – how you expand and when. If you stay true to your roots, those early days when you thought you were a woman walking alone will be remembered with a compassion from the person you have become.

Do not back down, do not sell out, do not sit down, do not be quiet.

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Mindfulness on a Monday

One thing I have on my mind a lot these days is my ‘mind’ and all it has been filling up with over these past few months especially. I mean, it’s hard to not be influenced or affected by all the trauma or drama around us, unless you live on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere…..

Oh wait, that’s where I live. Nevermind.

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Boost Your Healing Power

Your body is amazing! Did you know that? Have you yet gone through enough or lived long enough or finally discovered that your physical organs, blood and bone are held together by something far more than just mechanical tissue…

It’s all welded in place by the forces of nature, built by dust from stars and glued together through elemental magic so ancient and intricate that science will never fully know the workings of it.

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Closing the Energy Leaks - new material now available!

So many have asked for audio files for each of my books and they are on their way! I am working on my books one by one - and have added extensive audio as well as extra notes & additions to each one. 

Closing the Energy Leaks (c) or Windows is now available to download. It's 4 files of material including over an hour & half long audio that can be listened to again and again. 

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