Thought Leader in Health Potential



Mindfulness on a Monday


One thing I have on my mind a lot these days is my ‘mind’ and all it has been filling up with over these past few months especially. I mean, it’s hard to not be influenced or affected by all the trauma or drama around us, unless you live on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere…..

Oh wait, that’s where I live. Nevermind.


So, there you have it. I was actually on a pretty good roll with writing, working, playing….a little more balance in my life, a lot more joy – my mind was in a more settled place. Well, sort of, as much as can be during these intense shift of humanity awakening.

Then, we fell down a fairly significant rabbit hole.

WE being the collective, all of us seemingly on the planet have been taken on this roller coaster of a terrible, incredible, amazing, freaking ride deep into the psyche of masters monsters who rule the planet.

So, some of us have discovered we are feeling confused, or for the adreneal junkies excited & disturbed by all that has been taking place. If we might have discovered one thing about our lives here so far, it’s that we have seen this before and it’s all about to change.

In a good way.

Even though we are anticipating a turn for the better, in the meantime there are some fairly stressful elements of our existence that we have to work our way through as a society that is evolving to the next level.

This can be the painful, difficult and worrying part of all that we are facing or if we choose, it can also be part of the journey that teaches us far more about who we are and releases us from the bonds of our minds and unleashes our imagination in a new way.

For me, what I have seen so far is how much these events are affecting our minds in particular, so this area is a great place to start in terms of strengthening our resolve and making sure our boundaries are strong.

One of my favourite things to do has always been to visualize, and I’ve found myself doing this a lot over the past little while. I like to focus on some small positive thing in my life and think about it expanding, growing as it affects and enhances my life and influences those around me in a positive way.

If you are finding things stressful and wondering where you can begin to create some little bit of movement towards healing, shifting or growing your life – start with your mind.

Select some gentle herbs to help support your physical and mental path right now and find ways to keep moving forward. A few of my favourite herbs to use are chamomile, rose, skullcap, ginkgo, passionflower, motherwort, hops, lavender, rosemary, sage, lemon balm, catmint, angelica. Seek out some of these herbs in teas or to use in the bath or balms for your body. They really do make a difference.

More things you can do to make a difference to your thinking;

  • Create a vision board
  • Visualize an area of your life in a new positive way
  • Meditate for 5 minutes am & pm
  • Turn off the news and turn on some music
  • Write an outline for your next adventure
  • Plan a day in nature or take some time outside
  • Weed the garden and eat , drink or use the weeds!
  • Spa day at home…..
  • Play with your children or pets

There really is no end to the things that help us when the world is gone a little crazy. Don’t forget to nuture yourself during these stressful changing times, start with your mind and it will move you from there.
