Thought Leader in Health Potential



What's Another Word For Positive?


Everything you do, makes a difference the key word here is DO. 


This little sentence is what I repeat to myself often as I go about my daily tasks – I wanted to focus my mind on being and feeling positive as I set up my market stall, make my ointments or even do the chores around the house. 
And I do subscribe to the thinking – that if you say it often enough, you start to believe it.
So why not say something positive? Especially to yourself, about yourself and when thinking of or referring to yourself. Make that mind shit special and eventually you start to see some magical results!
You start to believe and think in a more positive way when your mind is focused on words that are constructive, supportive and encouraging – of course then you are half way to getting your life moving (in any direction) because you are using some of that powerful mind energy to create something better for yourself.  


How many of us find ourselves hoping and wishing for outside affirmations to make us feel as if our lives are worthwhile? In the meantime we spend an awful lot of time allowing over-riding thoughts to inform us of just the opposite.
With all of this in mind, make today a day of action – focus on your goal (pick one), then taking a step in any direction is almost certainly bound to get energy moving in places and spaces where it was once stagnant. 
I have learned and experienced many times over these years how important it is just take a little step and either doors will open or close – and there will be movement.
Everything you do, makes a difference. Keep your goal in mind, make it happen. 
