Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in time
This Darkness is Not Absolute - Let There Be Light 

It’s been a great week so far…the weather has been dry again (I am actually watering my garden) with most of the rain clouds passing us by. Of course, when it’s like this outside my mind automatically runs to – will it last?

And then, when I think about it, I realize I have a pattern of thinking like this in so many other areas of my life as well. It’s a ‘it’s nice/good/better right now, but this will change’ sort of negative expectation. 

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Pure Magical Alignment - It's About Time

I am now on day 8 of my detox and steadily marching towards my goals. I always keep myself busy during these days of fasting and this week has been no different. Right now I feels as if I have quite a few ‘projects’ on the go!

To keep ourselves busy is a blessing for the most part. But, being busy with a purpose is something altogether different again. I know so many people who keep going while doing absolutely nothing worthwhile. 

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