Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in healing
Workshop - Closing Energy Leaks - Intuition & Your Body

Going deeper into how to look after, heal, fix and change your life by uncovering layers of ‘whatever life has thrown your way’ and finding yourself. This workshop will focus on patterns that we have all revolved in – poverty, fear, worry, illness and not getting the things we ask for or need!

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Closing Energy Leaks - Intuition & Your Body

We are going deeper into how to look after, heal, fix and change your life by uncovering layers of ‘whatever life has thrown your way’ and finding yourself underneath all that stuff. 
With this in mind, my next workshop will focus on patterns that we have all revolved in – poverty, fear, worry, illness and not getting the things we ask for or need!

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Workshops, Market Stall, Nature & Me

We are approaching the harvest time of year, the special gifts of nature are being presented for those of us willing to wander into streams, trudge through hedgerows, follow the honey bee trail and listen to the hum of magic on the wind.
The only thing asked of us is to be ourselves.
This has become my motto over the years, if I can only get back to myself, I will find who I have always been, waiting for me there. 

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Fermentation Workshop 25th & 26th January 2016 in The Happy Pear & Skibbereen

Fermentation of food & drink is an ancient art and a necessary skill to maintain a healthy, balanced gut – turning ordinary vegetables, fruit and water into a healthy, tasty & probiotic food is the ultimate quest for the Food Alchemist. 
Join April Danann, Food Scientist, Clinical Naturopathic Nutritionist and an expert in Living Water wild fermentation techniques, for an evening in nature reconnecting to the finer points of nourishing your soul.

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November Fermentation Workshop - West Cork

Fermentation of food & drink is an ancient art and a necessary skill to maintain a healthy, balanced gut – turning ordinary vegetables, fruit and water into a healthy, tasty & probiotic gut friendly food is the ultimate quest for the Food Alchemist. 
Join April Danann, Food Scientist, Clinical Naturopathic Nutritionist and an expert in Living Water wild fermentation techniques, for an evening in nature reconnecting to the finer points of nourishing your soul.

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Energy Fields, Energy Leaks & the Human Body

I get asked lots of questions on my market stall and through emails, texts and messages…..many of those are about my understanding and extensive work with the human energy field.

The energy field is one of the areas I have been looking into for most of my life in an effort to make sense of exactly what is taking place in and around us (especially those who are walking a spiritual path) and of course to learn how to work with it more effectively.

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100 Days - What is Life?

What is life exactly?

I’ve come to realize that LIFE is not only what is taking place outside of us, around us, with us and to us – it should be equally (perhaps more so?) inside of us. And for me, for a very long time, if ever at all – there was little life to be lived on the inside.

My gut had ‘dead-spots’, it was leaky, and generally non functioning in the appropriate ways to sustain life. By that I mean – there were not enough beneficial organisms helping me digest food, extract nutrients and make vitamins.

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100 Days ......Juicing, Fasting and Bone Broth 

We are back on our schedule of not really fasting....but not really eating either!! Let me explain.....

These past few weeks I have done 30 days on juices and smoothies - with at least 50% vegetables in each one and the rest some kind of fruit.

I am really finding great benefits from the cabbage - one of the most underrated healing foods of all time and indeed my best 'superfood' discovery to date. It has completely changed the way my gut works and helped build up those beneficial organisms in a massive way.

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