Thought Leader in Health Potential



Workshops, Market Stall, Nature & Me


We are approaching the harvest time of year, the special gifts of nature are being presented for those of us willing to wander into streams, trudge through hedgerows, follow the honey bee trail and listen to the hum of magic on the wind.
The only thing asked of us is to be ourselves.
This has become my motto over the years, if I can only get back to myself, I will find who I have always been, waiting for me there. 
Nature knows the way, shares her secrets and guides those who are pure of heart. ❤️
If you can, come out for one of my workshops, classes or talks over the next little while. Or get one of my books, these books are very special and important. Stop by my market stall for a browse and a chat, ask me a question. I will try to answer from my heart and the wisdom nature has been teaching me. 
We are often walking this journey by ourselves, but we are not alone.

Taste of West Cork week - special offerings at my Wild Food Lab in Caheragh, Drimoleague West Cork.

Fermentation Workshop with Food Scientist April Danann

Malted Grain Sourdough Bread

Malted Grain Sourdough Bread

Fermentation Workshop 12 September, 6:30 pm to 9:45 or so, we will cover all main areas of fermentation, plus the nature of nutrition, food creation and alchemy. You will taste, stir, discuss, write and together take your food experience to the next level. This is an important food group for us all, please make time to learn all you can about starting your own ferments. Your body will flourish and your health will recover. €65 includes extensive notes, tastings, snacks, drinks & sourdough Mother starter to take home. email or ring/text 0872361616

Natural Bee Keeping Workshop & Slide Show


Natural Bee Keeping 13 September 5pm to 7pm, in our Wild Food Lab with Trevor Danann, April & Max Danann - lots to talk about, on this evening event, we have our slides, our bees, some honey and our medicinal herb garden as the setting. As custodians of the bees, it is our duty to learn all we can in order to ensure we have thriving natural colonies of bees. Everywhere. We will look at costs, equipment, habitat, natural treatments, housing, specific issues and much more! Great slide show, view some of our hives.....honey tasting and a special discussion on April's Medicinal Herb studies....€25 - bargain price, no excuses, caring for the bees benefits us all.


Email or ring/text 087 2361616