Thought Leader in Health Potential



Bee Garden Planning


April has asked me to contribute regularly to this Bee Blog and I will do my best.

Planning a garden with Bees in mind means just being aware of what the Bees need throughout the year. Bees will fly every day that they can, weather permitting, even in mid-winter. If the winters day is mild and the sun is shinning on the hive entrance, then the Bees will venture out to see what they can find. 

Having a range of plants that provide nectar and pollen at different times of the year will ensure the bees can find sustenance at crucial times such as late winter / early spring and autumn / early winter.


One of the most important things to remember is to avoid spraying weed killers of any sort as Dandelions and wild flowers are a very important food source for Bees (and countless other insects).  

A simple list of important flowers for Bees would contain the following:

Dandelion, Forget me not, Wildflower mix, Snowdrop, Crocus, Daffodils, Hyacinths, Ivy, Heather, Catmint, Fushia, Hyssop, Hollyhock, Lavenders, Loostrife, Sage, Thyme and Tulip

Flowering trees make up a large part of the Bees' interest as well, Butterfly tree (Buddleja) and Lime trees being noted favorites.

More on this subject on another day,

