Thought Leader in Health Potential



One with Nature


Today is a lovely but cold day in West Cork - the kind that promises spring is near, but to hold off on the celebrations for another little while. For those of us who are bee keepers - we are watching our hives closely as the bees come out for a few minutes on days such as these.

We love to see the bees! Actually, it warms our hearts to know that the hives have survived another winter and are here once again with us. Living, thriving and warming to the sun's rays - in the same way we are.

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But, it's more then this. Perhaps there is also some very deep connection to hidden aspects of ourselves. Parts of us are also warming to the sun's heat - we are waking up too. Along with the ground, the plants pushing up from the soil and the bees poking out to see the emerging world...

It is very much like our world at this time of year. The heat from the sun increases our vitamin D stores, brings back our immune function and after these winter months we are renewed in spirit and health. We are part of this cycle - nature has not excluded us from her embrace....

We are One with the bees on days such as this.....
