April Danann
Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in change
Closing the Energy Leaks - new material now available!

So many have asked for audio files for each of my books and they are on their way! I am working on my books one by one - and have added extensive audio as well as extra notes & additions to each one. 

Closing the Energy Leaks (c) or Windows is now available to download. It's 4 files of material including over an hour & half long audio that can be listened to again and again. 

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100 Days - What is Life?

What is life exactly?

I’ve come to realize that LIFE is not only what is taking place outside of us, around us, with us and to us – it should be equally (perhaps more so?) inside of us. And for me, for a very long time, if ever at all – there was little life to be lived on the inside.

My gut had ‘dead-spots’, it was leaky, and generally non functioning in the appropriate ways to sustain life. By that I mean – there were not enough beneficial organisms helping me digest food, extract nutrients and make vitamins.

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100 Days ......Juicing, Fasting and Bone Broth 

We are back on our schedule of not really fasting....but not really eating either!! Let me explain.....

These past few weeks I have done 30 days on juices and smoothies - with at least 50% vegetables in each one and the rest some kind of fruit.

I am really finding great benefits from the cabbage - one of the most underrated healing foods of all time and indeed my best 'superfood' discovery to date. It has completely changed the way my gut works and helped build up those beneficial organisms in a massive way.

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Higher Consciousness - Waking Up is a Physical Process


A lot of people are waking up right now....to the things that are happening in their lives and in the world around them. They are questioning their own sanity - because nothing feels right, looks right or seems as if it makes sense. The way things used to be, and that never felt safe, now cannot be tolerated under any circumstances. 


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An Uncommon Light

Such an exciting year to be on this planet! We are waking up - of course, along with that comes looking at the world with those new eyes, clearer head and an unfurling spirit. Each one of these celestial events has been a trigger for the earth and for us - it's time to step forward into a new this uncommon light.

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Fasting & Healing A Tooth - The Root of All Evil 

Today is day 4 of my latest fast, another week in this journey towards bringing life back into my gut, body, mind and soul. This time around it has gotten even more interesting – to say the least! My body is balancing it's flora and living organisms - exactly what I hoped would take place.

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