Thought Leader in Health Potential



My New Book!


I have my new book (comes with bonus material audio file) available for download! Check it out here! 

I Am She Who Creates - A Divine Blueprint for Women in Business



There is so much to be said for the times we are waking up in; the least of which is all the change that must take place in order for the human race to rise enough to take up their missions and purposes on this wonderful planet.

The greatest of times call on the most ordinary people to take on tremendous paths and anchor specific energy in certain locations throughout the earth – vibrations and awareness that envelop and shape all of us as we walk through these first steps out of the darkness and into the light.

Women are being called to resume their posts and to open up their hearts, dust off their dreams and put them into action. All over the world women are waking up, looking around them and wanting to create something better.

For everyone.

So, if you are just starting out or if you have been marching to the music in your own soul for many years, or even if you feel completely lost and disconnected and longing to discover who you really are; your mission is waiting for you to claim it.

To be honest, I was never drawn to business. I never knew I had it in me to start up, develop and run a successful anything. I was only ever told and thus believed the opposite. 

It wasn’t until I was backed into a corner so far and let down by so many that I had to come out of this shell and make things work in my life better than they ever had before.

I was tired of living pay-check to pay-check, following someone else’s ideas of how the world should be, all the while pushing parts of myself down into despair. I knew there had to be another way and if there wasn’t – well then, I would invent one.

If you are really ready to take a leap of faith, to not let anyone stand in your way and to only trust in the inner guiding voice that connects you to all of life and creation, you will be Universally supported in finding your mission and developing your purpose. 

Finding, following and then creating a better life is not for everyone; it takes a little bit of a rebel to go against the tide and do what must be done and to not back down. Being female is the greatest asset you can have, your inner compass has already activated and it’s leading you towards your mission. 

Are you ready to rise?
