Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in self esteem
Breaking the Silence - It's Not All Bad....

Open up any newspaper these days and listen to any program on the radio or television – and you will hear the exact same thing you heard 5 years ago, 15 years ago and perhaps 50 years ago….

The bad news – crime, wrong-doing, pillaging, violence, sickness and a complete lack of good. It’s all there, nothing apparently changes and what a mess we are in (according to those who try to control the airwaves).

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Spiritual Bullies - Wreaking Havoc with Our Spiritual DNA

It feels as if I am on a new theme here in some ways. It is obvious to me how since I finished my last cleanse – I have been working my way through more spiritual aspects of myself and trying to sort out what is mine and what is not.

One thing I do know for certain is that some of our genes are on spiritual DNA and these must be activated in order for us to reach higher states of human consciousness. I was dreaming of these things last night and it has been on my mind constantly.

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Have We Become Spiritual Slaves? 

Whenever someone else’s energy enters into my world it wrecks havoc with my own energy reserves and I end up feeling like them (I feel their emotions and physical symptoms). Right now I am sitting here with a massive headache and I just realized something….

This severely depleted feeling coming from a spiritual aspect or nature is not mine. I had been ‘owning’ it for weeks now (perhaps years?) only to finally realize, yes I have been through the mill when it comes to life, however, I am more then able for walking this path.

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Stop, Breathe, Listen and Be Part of It All - Intuition 

Sometimes I just feel as if I need to come right out and just say it - all of it. Of course, there is one little problem, I am still trying to sort out what ALL of it is LOL. So, I have to settle for coherent sentences for now...

Well, it has been a wild few days - but only in terms of energy shifting around me while I do this cleanse. It has moved and brought up far more this time around then ever before - making me think that I am finally getting to the bottom of the barrel.

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Don't Give Up Now - This is Your Destiny 

There are days and for some of us - weeks, months and years - where nothing seems to be going in the direction we want it to go. But, yet when we look back at different challenging time frames and periods in our lives - we can see change has taken place.

In essence we are getting there. It's just not in the direct route, as quickly as we had hoped and without all of these learning curves...You know, the ones that always end up teaching us something incredibly important - but are so annoying to move through.

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Negativity is a Disease....

Well, it all started like was a cold dark day, not unlike any other heavy energy....but that's not what happened. In fact, that sounds like the opening line of a novel and this is no book (well, in a sense it is) this is our life.

I sent my son off to find some information about a fish - we are doing a small homeschool project and decided after re-arranging the turtle tank that the little reptile might be lonely, so a fish as a companion might be in order.

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Observations of A Distracted Mind

I have had the rare privilege of reading what someone has written and watch as they created an article from the beginning, it was an eye opener. Mostly because it isn't remotely similar to anything I would do or even consider doing...

First of all when I write something it's straight from my heart - I actually don't always know where I am going with it when I start. I know that something is inside of me and it needs to come out to be said. It's finished when I feel better and can see I have reached some sort of a conclusion.

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You Are the Teller of This Tale...

Change is not a terrible thing - but it can be difficult when you feel as if you have no idea what is up ahead or around the next corner. Many of us have lived our entire lives like this - hoping, wishing or even expecting something better - sometimes it comes and sometimes...well.

Yet, this is not any real way to live, is it? We all should have a good deal more certainty, security and assuredness about our futures. This is something I have been giving quite a bit of thought to lately - perhaps for many years 'the future' hasn't been very far from my mind.

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Social Life - On the Spiritual Path

As this is my blog and it rests upon me to be really honest with you, I am going to do just that as there is an important aspect of walking the path that I must share with you. Social life as I had come to know it consisted of spending time with several people whom either myself or my husband did not particularly like, or they did not like my children. And probably I did not like aspects of them either.

We tolerated each others company- yet in some ways it was like an addiction or perhaps part of the ‘sickness’ of living, eating, and behaving like I was someone I am NOT. When I was around these people I did not act like myself- actually I don’t even know who that is and neither do they as there are strict perimeters of behaviour that everyone has to follow.

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Awakening Higher Consciousness Part I 

There is a lot of stuff out there on consciousness, awakening and ascension – the latest buzz words of the new age movement. I wanted to wade into the melee here because of some of the ‘information’ I have been reading that just doesn’t make any sense at all.

First of all, let me state that there are many who may feel they are on a spiritual path, who have all the right words, feelings and appearances. However, if you have started on your journey towards higher consciousness and you are still living in the same house, eating the same foods and spending time with the same people in dead end relationships – you have yet to leave the gate. 

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