Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in bees and honey
Wishing for Spring....

The bees have been making little trips outside the hives on these warm days but not venturing too far yet as it is early in the season and not much around for them to eat. It is such a wonderful promise of spring though to see them come out and scout around.

Anyone who has bees or who has spent any time around them could appreciate the feeling that all is well with the world because the bees are out and about. Usually this time of year they are doing a little housekeeping and tidying up after the long winter weeks.

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Speaking of Bees....

Bees are so important to our survival - even the greatest minds of our time have commented on their existence. As a family we have been taking their plight personally and over the years have been doing our little bit to help in any way we can.

We have had Top Bar Bee Hives now for a few years and are always conscious of their role in our gardens and our lives. Of course, like everything else we do, we have our own design and our own approach to handling the bees.

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It's that time of year again!

So, here we are in the middle of Bee season, the time of year that bees need to make a head start in their honey making. This is vital to the survival of these delicate species - sunny weather, a lot less rain, warm enough and plenty of flowers, trees and plants to forage for food.

One thing that I have noticed a lot more of is that we are putting in gardens in our backyards as well as creating allotments and other green spaces. If you would not ordinarily plant herbs, do it this year - for the bees. You will also gain benefits from a crop of fresh herbs growing close by as well.

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