April Danann
Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in life force
Focus on Life

Isn’t it funny how often we think to ourselves, this is our life, yet, it’s not the one we’ve wanted, dreamed of or envisioned for ourselves. But, here we are spending day in and day out – doing things we don’t always like ‘doing’ or ‘being’ in places when we wish we were doing something or being someplace else. 
And then there’s the biggest one – being around people who either do not appreciate us, understand us, like us or who are down right harmful to us - (read toxic to be around). If you are anything like me, you end up soaking up all those negative vibes (absorb!) – taking on board nearly everything, in an effort to make people happy and feel better. 
And such is life. Or is it? 

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Higher Consciousness - Waking Up is a Physical Process


A lot of people are waking up right now....to the things that are happening in their lives and in the world around them. They are questioning their own sanity - because nothing feels right, looks right or seems as if it makes sense. The way things used to be, and that never felt safe, now cannot be tolerated under any circumstances. 


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An Uncommon Light

Such an exciting year to be on this planet! We are waking up - of course, along with that comes looking at the world with those new eyes, clearer head and an unfurling spirit. Each one of these celestial events has been a trigger for the earth and for us - it's time to step forward into a new this uncommon light.

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It Doesn't Shift or Heal.... Because It's Not Yours!

How much time have I spent working on myself over these last decades of my life….I have issues okay (don’t we all?!) and well, I like to take them out from time to time and dust them off (LOL, I think).....

Just to see how they are doing, because, to be honest, I have long felt as if I was going around in circles, thinking I had sorted through some huge emotional thing only to have it come back around a few weeks, months or years later.

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