April Danann
Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in motivation
Negativity is a Disease....

Well, it all started like this....it was a cold dark day, not unlike any other heavy energy....but that's not what happened. In fact, that sounds like the opening line of a novel and this is no book (well, in a sense it is) this is our life.

I sent my son off to find some information about a fish - we are doing a small homeschool project and decided after re-arranging the turtle tank that the little reptile might be lonely, so a fish as a companion might be in order.

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You Are the Teller of This Tale...

Change is not a terrible thing - but it can be difficult when you feel as if you have no idea what is up ahead or around the next corner. Many of us have lived our entire lives like this - hoping, wishing or even expecting something better - sometimes it comes and sometimes...well.

Yet, this is not any real way to live, is it? We all should have a good deal more certainty, security and assuredness about our futures. This is something I have been giving quite a bit of thought to lately - perhaps for many years 'the future' hasn't been very far from my mind.

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Part II - Life of a Writer - Staying Sane

In part one, I talked about the physical aspects of working (writing) from home and how it can be a challenge to get motivated to move your ‘butt’, once in a comfortable position and the ideas are flowing. So, yes, there is a way to stay active, healthy and fit. But that’s not the entire picture – there is more….

Another major issue with writing at home is the isolation and time spent on our own without the company of other adults or even adult conversation especially for those of us with small children. Feeling disconnected from living can be an issue for some, requiring a period of adjustment in the beginning. 

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Writing from Home - You don't have to be an Unhealthy Author

There are a lot of us writing or working from home – a job which requires far too much sitting around, leaving us in a bit of a tight spot when it comes to staying healthy. Sitting for long periods of time is not the best way to work, however, fortunately for us we can find ways to stay active.

Actually I love to exercise, but it’s not always easy when I am busy homeschooling, writing, looking after animals and maintaining a house and garden. I thought the best way to start this was to let you in on what I do and how I’ve organized my day.

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Always Waiting...?

I have been making some observations about myself and my thinking - or at least the way that I have been used to thinking for most of my life and find hard to shake. We all seem to have these patterns to our thought processes and for me (perhaps you as well?) one of them is that I keep putting things off until the right time.

Even those words do not adequately describe what we do exactly, it's as if we want to live or be a certain way, however, for that to come about will take considerable time, commitment, energy and effort - so we often just put it down as another wish/dream/desire/hope and let it sit. 

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Top 5 Ways to Unblock Energy

My mission over these past few days that I have been following my July Master Cleanse has been to focus on areas of blocked and resistant energy. I have been listening, talking to and working with my body but focused on mainly my heart area as that feels to be the key to all of this.

Today is only day 3 of the 10 days but it appears to have hit me like a brick wall or perhaps I am the one who has hit the wall. And I think that this just might be the wall that I have to break down or get over somehow. 

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A Place to Start

I remember the days when I desperately wanted to make some changes in my life and I would try to do something and at times even succeed in my attempts. But to be honest, I was so confused about who I was, where I was going and what I really wanted (mostly because I was so toxic) that I never knew where to start.

And this starting point was confusing me even more! Perhaps it is only me who feels this way, but my guess is that there are at least a few others out there who are finding themselves at a stand still in life, diet, exercise, business, work and relationships with not knowing how or where to start making changes in their lives.

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The Devil Made Me Do It....

At times it can seem like an uphill battle - this walking the talk or trying to live consciously. However, losing weight, making changes to your diet and lifestyle is not so very different from any other forms of self-betterment. You desire something more for yourself, your body translates that into greater awareness and then the universe aligns to enable you to create the experiences that will bring the wave to you.

It all sounds easy enough...so why is this so difficult? There is one area that not many of us are talking about, perhaps because it has appeared to be the domain of religions and those too fearful to even comprehend these bigger concepts. This is the thing/creature/energy force or whatever 'it' is that we would know as the devil.

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Where are we stuck?

Feeling stuck, held back, one step forward, one step back, like we are going around in the very same circles that we have been in for all of time...and still we wake up here. And not 'there' where we want to be. 

I keep seeing this pattern repeat in my own life and of course I hear about it when I am talking with others - this is the very real issue, feeling, problem, fear and worry of being stuck. There are so many of us that are ready, willing and able to move ahead in some way however, something/someone/some situation etc. holds us back.

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