Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in movement
Don't Delay....Your Destiny Awaits!

I remember those days when several trains of thought would be going through my mind at the same time - that I wanted to get healthy, fit, trim etc. and stay that way. However, I would think that there was one more function, one more party, my next birthday or some other milestone/event/thing/person that I was waiting for or held back the start date in some way.

Of course, then another birthday would roll around and I would not be in the shape that I wanted to be in and I would be angry/disappointed/upset with myself all day because I was not able to wear the clothes I wanted to wear or feel as good as I knew that I could feel.

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Where are we stuck?

Feeling stuck, held back, one step forward, one step back, like we are going around in the very same circles that we have been in for all of time...and still we wake up here. And not 'there' where we want to be. 

I keep seeing this pattern repeat in my own life and of course I hear about it when I am talking with others - this is the very real issue, feeling, problem, fear and worry of being stuck. There are so many of us that are ready, willing and able to move ahead in some way however, something/someone/some situation etc. holds us back.

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48 Hours to Go - Day 9

We are now officially in count down mode with less than 48 hours to go before we break our fast and start on the juices that will get our digestive tract moving again and prepared for food. This has been a far tougher cleanse than some of the others - comparable in many ways to my 40 day fast last year- perhaps because of the depths that my body has taken me this time around.

I have mentioned a little about it - of seeing fairies and into other worlds and realms - that is not unusual for me, being a Medical Intuitive, I am often drawn into those dimensions and can navigate my way around quite well. However, this time - it was to the darker energies of those worlds and for that reason this has been an intriguing few days to say the least.

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