April Danann
Thought Leader in Health Potential


Posts in healthy eating
Dazed and Confused On The Spiritual Path

There is a lot that needs to be said here about this topic - confusion - mostly because this is such a common problem, yet one that is directly related to the food we are eating or have eaten throughout our lives. 

Last night I had a dream of packaged macaroni and cheese (remember that?) the kind of stuff that many children eat in North America on a daily basis because it is easy to prepare and will fill you up. However, it lies in the category of 'I can't believe, I used to eat that stuff' and it is something that I would never feed to my own children.

So where did it all go wrong? 

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Pulling Out of The Recession

Today I am on my third day of a mini cleanse - I do them often and have incorporated fasting into my life to help me get where I want to go as well as to keep the energy positive and moving forward. I just mentioned to someone once again that fasting and following The Pagan Diet (which is so much more than just fasting!) has changed my life and pulled us out of the recession.

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Advice to Energy Healers and Therapists...

Many years ago I started out exploring energy healing, hands on healing, energy therapy and all manner of anything to do with the energy field in an effort to understand my energetic self, but also with the hope of making something of it and helping other people. 

Of course being an intuitive and inquisitive by nature, I wanted to explore and figure out exactly what was happening within the energy field of the humans I was seeing as well as myself. In order to do that I needed to be proficient in hands on energy therapies and to know what they were all about.

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10 Ways to Get Back in Your Body

For the most part not everyone knows what any of this work of the body, mind and spirit is all about. Just exactly what are the reasons behind thinking our thoughts and feeling the way we do about the world we live in? 

Many of us are just naturally drawn to vibrations of higher consciousness, are seekers and have been asking the right questions for quite some time. These actions are the forces that pull us onto higher ground and often sustain us as we navigate our way through the rough terrain. However, the reason why we seek, the justification for the deeper questions has always been that we are pushed out of spaces and places where we belong. 

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Its not always what it seems...

If something isn't what it appears to be, it simply isn't. I have found that an awful lot of people, organizations, companies, groups and what not, are saying one thing while doing another. Which is bad enough. However, they are also giving out information that is completely wrong in many cases.

And there is perhaps none worse than the food industry and those involved in nutrition in general. It seems that there are many who have jumped on the nutrition bandwagon mostly because it is the best game in town and with so many people consuming dreadful diets - there should be plenty to do.

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Final Day of My Mini Cleanse

And of course 3 days into anything and I am only just starting to get into the grove! LOL But, this has been a very productive 3 days and continues to be with my mind feeling relaxed and clear. I must say that I really like this feeling of heightened perception and clarity about life and the tasks I set out to do.

One of them has been to make some changes to my website (which is soon to be replaced) and focus on this blog. I am actually enjoying this process of creating and the things that I am learning about the internet, coding and using these tools. All great stuff.

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What I love About Eating Well...

For the most part this is an easy way to eat and live, I mean you have to go out of your way to specifically eat unhealthy. Yes, I know processed food is everywhere and it is so relatively easy to pick up rubbish at the shops.

But, what if you were to not go to the shops all that often? What if the majority of your food came from the farmers market, your garden and the local fish monger, cheese person and butcher? There is no rubbish in either of these places.

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Happy Mid Summer!

Today is a beautiful day for more Mid Summer festivities we have all been out in the garden since early this morning trying to get sorted out after such a rainy week. I love how the ground dries out nicely though.

We just finished our Mid Summer dinner and I normally wouldn't do this - but as so many have been asking me - what do you eat during a Pagan feast - here is what we had today;

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The Pagan Diet

My new book on living, eating and fasting for weight loss, healing and health is finally ready. If you would like to know all about how I live, the way I feed myself and my family and what it means to me - this is the book that goes into detail on food, fast and feast, master cleanses, detox and healing your body. Here I discuss the many things that I have found out about myself and the world as I follow the pagan calendar and celebrate each season of the body.

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Food, Fast & Feast

Well after 2 days of eating and enjoying lots of great foods, I am back fasting today to give my body time to digest and settle. I am feeling pretty good and sleeping well - I always find that when I do a Master Cleanse, I am sleeping deeply afterwards for a few days.

For the past 2 days we have enjoyed cakes, home made crackers with goat's cheese, mung bean burgers, root vegetable stews, mixed rice stir-fries and many other treats. And I am stuffed full and need a break from all that eating and cooking. Such is the purpose of a feast and celebration.

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