April Danann

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Earth Medicine, the Language of Life

It takes time to get well, be well and stay well – use your time wisely and it takes very little focus to really be in the best shape – mentally, physically and spiritually of your entire life.

Yes, even during a pandemic or plandemic or whatever stage of official narrative we are currently experiencing.

Especially now and perhaps because of this ramping up of fast-moving change we are all undergoing a particular type of trauma.

Some of us have retreated and gone quiet, others have become militant and vocal about social injustice or those things that have long bothered them about society. And still there are some who are feeling deeply all of the above and searching for answers.

Asking questions as simple as how to get through each day can be draining.

For this time and during any crisis point – many of us find that we must be stoic and hold steady through the storm, only to fall apart at the seams once it is over.

But what happens to those of us who cannot fall apart, do not have the time, space or energy to let even one ball drop as their lives and others depend on them holding on…?

Most of us fall into this category – people depend on us and we depend on ourselves to keep going no matter what happens on the outside. However, living this way causes an increase in toxicity within our cells and mucks up the delicate machinery of our digestive systems.

I have found it really helpful to slightly organise my life in a couple of ways, without adding pressure on myself;

  • Focus on good food – buy organic where possible, have a juice day once a week, increase raw garlic in meals, forage or find fresh food and sit down to eat meals. Drink plenty of water, cut back on coffee and tea and reduce alcohol.

  • Plan to keep detoxing most of the time – just by doing the above things your body starts to release built up toxic wastes and your liver feels relief. Add in something like Liver Support herbal teas and Zeolite capsules or a multivitamin and you are well on your way to feeling good in your body.

  • Make movement the best part of your day – plan your day around your walk, your time outside and your yoga practice. Don’t just fit in your space to move, create your day around your time to exercise. Your mental and spiritual health will be greatly enhanced through regular physical activity.

My favourite part of the day is making my herbal teas and taking my herbal capsules knowing they are helping me digest my food, cleaning my gut and nourishing my body as they work their way though.

But what is more, these herbs are also taking some of the toxic wastes, worries and fears along with them and removing them from my body.

Earth medicine, the language of life
